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Product designs are being optimized with CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) method by thermal analysis and flow analysis. With the program we are also able to deduce the characteristic curves of the pumps. It can also identify cavitation areas and conditions. Fusion, phase shift and multiple flow models care being be calculated using CFD programs.

FEA Analysis ANSYS

Optimization of the design consists of calculating the stresses and deformations of products subjected to structural and thermal loads using the finite element method (FEA) with the software used in engineering. The analyses can be performed under workloads and the natural frequencies of the product can be calculated.

Pump tests

The characteristic curves and cavitation conditions of water pumps for vehicles and commercial vehicles can be determined with the test equipment of the Validation Department of Kırpart. As the new products are designed, the experimental data is compared to the simulation data obtained from computer programs and laboratory results.

Kırpart Pump Endurance Test Machine

Kırpart's laboratories can simulate all the conditions that the water pumps will be exposed throughout the life of the vehicle both in passenger vehicles and commercial vehicles. The behaviour of the product on the vehicle can be ascertained by testing the behaviour under the action of dust / dirt, thermal fluctuations and sudden charges throughout the life of the vehicle.

Thermostat test

All functions of thermostats and thermoelements can be measured. Also customer-specific test systems are able to develop by the engineering team.

Thermostat endurance test machine - Life and endurance test

This validation is able to simulate the conditions to which thermostats and thermoelements will be exposed throughout their life on the vehicle and to measure their resistance under different conditions.

Acoustic tests

Acoustic tests of water pumps used in passenger and commercial vehicles is able to be measured in our acoustic laboratory semi-no resonance according to ISO 3746 standards.

Material testing

The mechanical tests of all products manufactured in Kırpart can be measured under conditioned / acclimatised conditions.